It’s the final quarter of the financial year, and now, the importance of integrating business valuations and appraisals with strategic […]

Most accountants and small business operators have a pretty well tuned bullshit detector. You can smell a snake oil peddler […]

As financial professionals, we understand the importance of risk management in ensuring the success and longevity of our clients’ businesses. […]

Over the last few years, the Federal Government has introduced a suite of instant asset write-off and accelerated depreciation rules, […]

Business valuations can be complex, and the rules can be hard to pin down sometimes. There are many business valuation […]

Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can take many forms; some are better suited to your needs than others. In an […]

When it comes to assessing the value of accounting practices, the valuation process can often become a labyrinth of confusion, […]

A commonly employed approach to business valuations is the Capitalisation of Future Maintainable Earnings (CFME), which establishes the business’s value […]

The term goodwill gets bandied about a lot in the business world, but I find it is often misunderstood. There […]

As a business owner, sometimes there can be a bit of ego involved. The business is your baby, you built […]

The price of a business valuation in Australia can vary significantly depending on factors such as the purpose of the […]

Clean Bookkeeping is an essential aspect of running a business. It involves maintaining accurate financial records of all transactions, including […]

Businesses are valued in a number of different ways; discounted cash flows, net tangible assets, and cost of creation, to […]

Businesses that are valued on the basis of a multiple of their profit (or Earnings Before Interest and Tax) are […]

It is widely agreed by business valuation experts that the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) methodology is the most precise way […]

Businesses can be valued in a number of ways, including Net Tangible Assets, Capitalised Future Maintainable Earnings, Discounted Cash Flow, […]

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